
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hitomi Neko’s Giveaway – Summer cover ups, beauty package & deco

I have been browsing on fashion blogs lately and stumbled upon Hitomi Neko. I immediately bookmarked the blog because the cuteness of the blog is just irresistible! >.< The blog has pink as the color theme. The owner has a really cute voice (watch the video in the link below to find out ;D). Best of all, Hitomi is hosting a giveaway event! I am not a lucky person but I love giveaway events because one I get to find blogs that are really nice and helpful and two why not give my luck another try? ^^” You know, persistence leads to success~!

Hitomi’s giveaway event gives you 3 options to choose from :D The three options are 1) Summer must have cover ups 2) Beauty package and 3) Deco

I especially love the Deco package because the design is really cute & adorable. My roommate and I both use the same type of lens case (for eye contacts), if I could win that one, I am pretty sure I’d make my roommate super jealous haha! And there would be no chance of messing up our lens cases again!

I emailed her with a question regard to the giveaway and she responded really quickly! I really admire blog owners who care and actually respond to their blog readers :] Anyways, enough rambling, go check out the links below for the giveaway event. Good luck! ^_^

Deadline: 8/15/2011 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Dress up your Blogger

I love cute things, not just in clothing but also in blogs. So I have dug into cute Blogger templates. Below is a list of my favorite ones. It is rather hard to find cute and nicely made Blogger templates >< I will add more if I want to refresh the look again. Hope you enjoy the templates as much as I do!

Delicious Design Studio - Scroll down to the "Freebie" section for the free & adorable template. 

Gisele Jaquenod & Birdie - A lot of nicely designed free Blogger templates :D 

I didn’t care about weight, till now.

I am a short girl with a normal body proportion. I am not overweight or over-skinny. I laugh when girls are being over stressed about weight because I feel that weight shouldn’t be focused too much. As long as you are happy and healthy that is all good. I still believe that, with a tiny change.

I weighted myself today (because the scale was just next to the bathroom sink). The number showed up as 107.5 lbs. I used to be 98 lbs. (about a month ago), quite a significant weight gain. I didn’t mind much until BF tells me that it is showing up =( in legs and in stomach.

I know BF doesn’t mind as long as I don’t get too fat… but it still bothers me a little that the weight is showing up. So… I want to change that and start working out! (>_<) To keep up with this goal, I will record my progress and hopefully regain my 98 lbs.! (Er, not an additional 98 lbs. of course! ^O^)

Giveaway Opportunities

The Jazzy Spot Giveaway Feather Earring
Here is a list of giveaway opportunities that I am participating in. Come and join in! Good luck with your entries! ^^
This list is sorted by deadline :)! 

Verde Bling Giveaway hosted by The Jazzy Spot – Lovely feather earrings & 1 surprise item
Deadline: 8/9/2011

Deadline: 7/29/2011 

The new blogger on Blogger

I have always wanted to create a blog but never kept it up (determination problem?). Recently I have stumped upon several fashion review blogs and really nice giveaway opportunities. A lot of them give you extra bonuses for posting link or review on blogs. So I thought why not bring back my old goal and combine with this new chance? :D

Yuki’s Closet is thus born on 7/25/2011. The blog will a place where I share my reviews on Asian style clothing, kawaii/cute things, giveaway opportunities and sometimes my ramblings ^ ^

Blog Template by Delicious Design Studio